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The Bible Engagement Project is one of the Best discipleship tools I've seen in a while. We've been looking for a while for materials and programs that will help disciple the whole church from preschool to seniors. In fact I've been discussing the challenge with Kristin Inman, Director of Lighthouse Kids, for a while. We had a convesation like this. A teacher said,"We should teach the basics of christianity, who is God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and what is the Bible. Kristin responded, "Yes that will be good It's been a while since we taught that." I jumped in with, "Hey the whole church needs a better understanding of the basics. I wish there was a curriculum for all ages so we could grow together!"

That's when we discovered the Bible Engagement Project. I'm so thankful that the Assemblies of God understands the need for these kind of resources and created the website and app to access free curriculum that covers the foundational principles of our faith and the entire bible. With new themes being published, it will keep us going for years to come. 

We are going to be using the Foundations For Faith theme for 14 weeks beginning this fall. You can learn more about the Foundations For Faith series and Groups on the Foundations fage. And you can go ahead and create an account now to get familiar with the app and be ready to dive in with a group.